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Really great vibe and music! I loved playing this!

Yo, great work to the team for making this!

The tileset looks great, and I really like the light effects scattered around the cave. One thing I would've liked even more is to make the spikes more noticeable to understand better where the danger is. Same thing for the items, I probably would've continued searching for them more if they were shining or something like that.

The music was nice, pleasant enough for the duration of the entire game.

The controls were a little slippery, and I would've appreciated if movement was snappier, like in a platformer game. Sometimes also the character got stuck or couldn't jump all the way when facing a wall.

The level design was pretty good too, I was curious enough to go search a little around the places and see what was there.

Great work overall, you did good and I'm sure you'll manage to be even better in the future!

Best of luck!
Lionel Bell

fun little game!